5 Ways to Ensure Successful Joint Provdership

5 Ways To Ensure Successful Joint Provdership
  1. Look for a collaborative relationship: The Joint Provider is able to While the Accredited Provider assures that all accreditation standards are met, Joint Providers are permitted to participate in accredited CE planning, implementation, and evaluation.
  2. Choose Quality: It’s important to select an accredited CE provider who has a reputation for providing high quality continuing education activities that:
    • Adhere to the highest accreditation standards;
    • Are evidence-based, reflective of current practice, and free of commercial bias and promotion – in short, they make education of the healthcare provider the foremost priority; and
    • Meet the needs of learners and bridge the performance gaps of the audiences it serves – thereby optimizing patient outcomes.
  3. Focus on CE by the team for the team: To ensure your joint provided CE meets the needs of the healthcare team, look for a partner who is jointly accredited.  In addition, select CE partners who have other approvals, such as state board approvals, which will greatly increase the value of your accredited CE by expanding the target audiences who can be reached.
  4. Measure and publicize outcomes: Accredited CE providers should focus on maximizing the impact of educational programming and consistently measure changes in learner competence and performance-in-practice for its activities. Look for an accredited continuing education partner with an outcomes team that includes educational, clinical, and statistical experts who can boost the success of your CE activity by developing statistically measurable objectives, identifying practice change opportunities, and implementing strategies to overcome barriers to change. Make sure your CE provider has a plan to publicize outcomes results. It’s important to share the success via a publication, presentation at a meeting, or the providers’ website. Choosing the right accredited CE provider will maximize the impact of your educational programming.
  5. Seek guidance on grant support: Funding continuing education can be expensive. An experienced accredited continuing education partner can provide you with guidance on how to develop your educational grant request. They have teams with the experience and knowledge needed to ensure a compliant, compelling grant story that aligns your educational gaps with the program objectives, activity design, and measurable outcomes.

AKH is a leading accredited provider of continuing education for healthcare professionals. Let’s talk about working together in Joint Providership. http://www.akhcme.com/intakeform/

Deborah C. Clark, Ph.D.
Sr. Director, Professional Development and Partnerships
Copyright 2023 AKH Inc.

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